Posts Tagged ‘Dusty Loft’

A Man Stands Outside his Apartment. A Lady Sits On A Bus Bench

January 1st, 2022


Two Heads Lay To Rest
A man stands outside his apartment. A pigeon nests on a nearby windowsill. The faint sound of a train in the distance is soothing. Someone down the street runs after a bus. A cassette tape turns inside a boombox. Street performers breakdance. Chicks wearing Wayfarers and Legwarmers watch. Rain drops slowly fall. Small, soft, calming raindrops. No one seems bothered. A lady sits on a bus bench, desirable, yet she sits alone.
Later at night, inside a nightclub the dance floor’s packed. He’s all alone, looking up, turning, yearning. Lights flash, spotlights, music blasts. Sudden warmth. Breasts against his chest. Her arms wrapped around his waist. Pressed together the music slows, moving to the sounds, hearts pound. Closing time, leaving hand and hand. Through the crowds, to the street into a small pizzeria to grab a bite to eat. Neither asks the other their name. The feelings of temptation are the same. Hours later, bodies drenched in sweat, two heads lay to rest.
  Written by George Farina,


Written by George Farina

I’m Thinking Of A Women

February 10th, 2021

I’m thinking of a women,
with long hair,
sensual scents as she nears,
plump breasts,
a warm touch,
kind, doey eyes.
I’m thinking of a woman,
with a smile that slowly brightens,
like a morning sunrise,
a pleasant personality, natural, alluring,
sometimes energetic,
sometimes compassionate,
sometimes vulnerable,
snuggling together, late at night,
under the covers,
body heat,
slow, soft heart beats,
as we fall asleep.

A Letter

February 10th, 2021

A letter to someone who died before their time, from someone who didn’t get to live.

I wonder if you grew old, grew old like I did.
I slowed. I dose.
Life passed me by, long before I started to slow, started to dose.
You perished, passed away.
The parties. The women. The good times we didn’t have.
We missed out. Maybe we got jipped.
What if you survived and I died.
At least one of us would have lived.

Simple Man

January 4th, 2021

I’m just a simple man.
Coffee, Cheerios, Pizza, PB&J’s.
Jeans, sneakers, a couple bucks, a bus ticket.
A pen, paper, a duffel bag, without anywhere to go.
Plenty to write.
Wake up with cobwebs.
Then, the coffee. The smell, cherishing every sip.
The bus ride, looking out the window.
Early in the morning, empty streets, mist.
In the evening, lights, cluster, people happy and sad.
Some walking the streets, from place to place, in a hurry, wandering slowly.
Others waiting at bus stops.
Some homeless. Some with friends, laughing, joking, living.

Writing, Thoughts

January 4th, 2021

Jelato, Coffee Toffee, Duffel Bags, Typewriters, Betafish. Wandering from street to street, ally to ally, no place to go. Always hungry, always tired. Never enough sleep. Never enough food. Wasting away. Sun beats down. Burning heat rises from the street. Dirty looks, cold as ice. Skateboards, Hooded sweatshirts. Writing under the stars. A pen, my only friend. Stringing letters into words, words into sentences. Left to right, top to bottom. A blank page becomes a story. City Buses, Bikes, PB&J’s, Batting Cages. Cold leftovers the day after Thanksgiving. A person who is put in a situation to fail, will fail almost every time. Pollution, waste, lies, deceit, miscommunication, wars. There’s almost always a better way. Options, laughter, urban, industrial, peace, gardens, health, honesty, recycling.

Why a tiny home?

April 2nd, 2020

Towards the end of 2018 I started looking into the potential purchase of a tiny home. I decided to go with a tiny home for a number of different reasons.

I rarely travel. Tiny homes are mobile, though, not nearly as mobile as R.V.’s.

I don’t own property. Rent at R.V. parks and campgrounds is the most affordable.

I’m not wealthy. At the time of the purchase, I couldn’t afford either a tiny home or an R.V., no less an apartment. Nevertheless, I was able to purchase a trailer with the potential framework of a tiny home. 

From there, I looked towards the future. I thought about the possibility of parking the home on a small plot of land. However, as I write this article today, that possibility looks less and less likely.

Many areas have strict zoning laws, restricting what an individual is aloud to keep on his or her own land. Finding a suitable plot of land might be difficult.

Property prices have been rising, and rising quickly. The current cost of land is a major hurdle to overcome.

Tiny homes are often pet friendly. I have an older cat and wanted her to have a decent living environment. 

Originally, I learnt about tiny homes back in 2016 via HGTV. They seemed interesting, unique, and an inexpensive way to own a home. In some cases, the only way to own a home, during an era where those on fixed incomes and the working poor have been forgotten or simply dismissed.

I started doing additional research online. I watched videos and visited different websites geared towards tiny homes. Those websites along with HGTV offered plenty of inspiring ideas.

Within a few months of owing the trailer, I started building the interior. With each day of work, the idea of a tiny home instilled a greater impression. They are very customizable. They’re a blank canvas with endless possibilities.

Even though they are tiny in size, with a little creativity, they don’t always feel tiny. A table that slides under a counter, when not in use, offers additional space to the living area. Stairs that double as storage and fold away furniture are a few other ways to turn a small space into a larger space.

Moreover, tiny homes allow their owners to live off grid. Solar systems have become very affordable, if designed properly. They can provide power at any time, at any place.

Rainwater harvesting systems are available to collect and store water in certain areas. In other areas, a combination of water storage tanks and water filters provide clean drinking water for many months.

The footprint of a tiny home is very environmentally friendly. Composting toilets turn waste into mulch and recycled materials are available to use as building supplies.

The tiny home I’m building still has a long ways to go before it’s finished. I’m on a limited budget. Yet, with each year that passes, I’m able to make a few upgrades.

Even at it’s current stage, it is now very livable. If all goes according to plan, by the end of the year, the trailer should have another round of minor improvements. Then, next year, the same. Eventually, this trailer should have some semblance of a tiny home.

Additional Information: The idea for a slide out table was from the following YouTube video: Living the Vanlife as Digital Nomads in a VW Westfalia.

Questions To Think About, Without The Answers

January 20th, 2020

Once in a while I’ll ask myself a few of the following questions. Sometimes, when I want something different or good to think about. Other times to remind me of old memories. A few of the questions and answers help keep me grounded. A few require a tremendous amount of honesty on the part of the person answering the question.

You’re welcome to post the answers in the comments section. I usually answer most of them to myself. A few of the less personal questions I’ll answer on my personal computer or a notepad.

  • If you could give a visitor to your town or city one cool (free) place to go within the area, where would you tell them to go and why?
  • What are your personal seven wonders of the world (not including family, friends and pets)? For instance, different items you might own or the joy of a cup of coffee in the morning, ect.
  • How many things were you taught in grade school that turned out to be false?
  • Regardless of whether you believe in God or not, let’s say for arguments sake, there was someone you had to answer to after death in order to get to a good place. What questions do you think they’d ask? What answers would you give? What are the thing’s you’d want to emphasize?
  • Whats your list of coulda shoulda woulda’s and what can you do today to ensure you don’t have that list tomorrow?
  • Of all the fights and arguments you’ve been in during your life, how many have you started? How many did the other person start? How many were a result of a mutual disagreement?
  • What things do you think about the most? For instance, Women, Cars, Food, Finances, ect.
  • Of all the things you’ve owned, that you don’t own anymore, what are the item’s, if any, you would like to still own?
  • If you’re over forty, how many teachers do you remember from High School, and why do you remember them?
  • What are some of the things you want to take to your grave? Not material items. Memories you’ve made. Things you’ve done. Even things you haven’t done, that you’re glad you didn’t.
  • Whats the most important life lesson or bit of knowledge you’ve ever been given?
  • When is it ok to tell a lie?
  • If you could pay a dollar per television channel and pick the channels to watch, in what order would you pick the channels?
  • If you were president, what would be your priority list of things to get done?
  • If you were your own worst critic, what are the things you feel you’d need to improve upon? Which instances draw your harshest criticism?
  • Do you remember any of the wishes you’ve made during your life? How many have come true, if any?
  • What types of things are you good at naturally, without much instruction?
  • If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
  • What are the top five greatest moments of your life?

Good Habits

January 2nd, 2020
  • Try not to keep pools / puddles of water in the yard or inside the home. They’re breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Before going to bed, put a pair socks in your sneakers. They might keep spiders and other bugs out of them.
  • It’s easy to put an item, such as a cup of coffee, a laptop, or a bag, temporally on the roof a car while getting in. However, it’s equally as easy to forget these items on the roof. Eventually, most people forget the item. The driver drives away, and the item(s) fall off the car. It’s a good habit to temporally place the item(s) on the ground.
  • Keep a daily journal.
  • Use recycled batteries. They save money, resources and trips to the store.
  • Don’t store batteries in a utility / junk draw that might have miscellaneous papers. If both the positive and negative sides touch something metal, such as a key chain, that might cause a spark and start a fire.
  • When using an extension cord, put the connections on top of something that is slightly off the ground. This way if water spills near the connection, there isn’t any chance of electrocution.
  • Measure twice, cut once.
  • As soon as the tread on a car’s tires starts getting low, purchase new tires. Tires with worn tread don’t stop well in the rain. Many people don’t realize their lack of traction and then get into an accident.
  • When saving a document to a computer, put the date at the end of the file name (filename-2019-12-07.xls). This creates a new file every time the document is saved and allows the user to see the changes they made to the document. Though, it’s very important to open the newest file each time the document is opened.
  • Let food cool off before starting to eat. Taking a bite out of a meal that’s to hot might cause a person chew faster and swallow faster, resulting in bites that are to large to swallow, causing a person to choke. Taking smaller bites might also be a good idea.
  • Check twice for motorcycles. Watch out for animals and pedestrians. When checking a cars blind spot, it’s important to keep a safe distance from any vehicle(s) a driver might be following, especially, in traffic situations and when entering a highway. If the vehicle in front stops quickly, while the drivers head is turned, there is a good chance of a fender bender.
  • Recycle and reuse anything that could possibly be recycled and reused.
  • Be wary of companies that have expensive video surveillance systems inside their business, but none in the parking lot. That might say the company could afford a surveillance system for the parking lot, but chose not to have the system installed. That also might say the company doesn’t prioritize their customers belongings and their employees safety, especially for those employees who work early and late hours.
  • It’s usually a good idea to remove a necklaces with a long thin medallion or pendant while playing sports. If the pendant part of the neckless jumbles around under a person’s shirt, enough to press the long end against their chest, and a ball hits the pendant, a serious injury could incur.
  • When leaving a house, apartment, condo, etc, it’s a good idea to lock the door from the outside with the key. If a person locks the door from the inside, via the nob, and closes it on their way out, they might forget the key. Then, they’ll get locked out.

Quote of the Day

January 2nd, 2020

“If you ask the right questions, you’ll get the right answers. If you ask the left questions, you’ll get the left answers.” – George Farina

Throwback Thursday: Abbott & Costello Who’s On First

January 24th, 2019
One of the all time great comedy routines. Abbott & Costello: Who’s On First